A New Vlog!

Hello Blog friends!
It's been so very long since we've last seen each other, in fact, I kind of forget how to even make a post. Isn't that a sad, state of affairs? Oh technology...always evolving and I was about 23 updates behind (truth), including that somehow I've lost the ability to embed a video in my post. Translation, you'll have to follow a link to youtube and then watch it there. Sorry!
Anyhoo, I'm back in New York City for a hot second and ran into my old friend and Vlog busy Jacob Brent, so we decided to do a quick check-in blog. I hope this finds you all well. I am doing great, and the kids are wonderful. Can you believe from our first days together when they were 13 and 3, they are now 16 and 6? (truth).
Enjoy our vlog, we had fun making it.