
Backstage with Lucy and Tim Gunn


Broadway Backwards with Andrea McArdle

Jennyanydots in Cats at the Winter Garden Theater. Closing cast, September, 2000.

Jennyanydots in Cats at the Winter Garden Theater

Diane in Come From Away at the Schoenfeld Theater
Photo: Matthew Murphy

Diane in Come From Away at the Schoenfeld Theater
Photo: Matthew Murphy

Diane in Come From Away at the Ford’s Theatre
Photo: Carol Rosegg

Diane in Come From Away at the Ford’s Theatre
Photo: Carol Rosegg
Eponine in Les Misérables
Cosette in Les Misérables

Madame Firmin in The Phantom of the Opera. 1997, I am pregnant in this picture!


Backstage symphony squats. Seattle Symphony.

Me and David Benoit, AVENUE Q, Vegas Company
Me and Lee backstage, 2018.
Bow and wave after our Tony Awards performance!
Me and Diane.
DC selfie.
DC selfie.
Seattle before I learned to selfie.

Recording the CFA cast album. (Costume Party)

Original CFA cast and writers, 2017.

Me and Caesar, Seattle.
Me with Chris Ashley in La Jolla.
On set of film God’s Behaving Badly, 2012

Me and Joel, first read through in DC.
Cast of Avenue Zoo at the Bronx Zoo (co-written and directed by me).

Me and Kate Monster, closing night on Broadway, September 2010.

Broadway bricks.

Me and Diane, Gander Legion Hall, at the Screech In. Oct 2016.
Stars in the Alley selfie, 2017.

Onstage at The View. 2017.

Irene, David, me and Lee. Some Gala (I forget) 2017.
Me and Lee at the Vanity Fair shoot. Oct 2016.
CFA production shot of me and Lee. Final plane (canoodling).

At Broadwaycon. 2018.
Lee, Nick, Diane and me. Top of The Dover Fault, Newfoundland.

Tony awards, 2017.